Hungry goats

After three weeks of building almost a linear mile goat tight fence enclosing over 15 acres, we finally have our goats and they are hungry. The area enclosed includes the Red Barn, a big section of Childs Ditch, many stone walls, and lots of blackberry territory. The burned blackberry fields are coming up with fresh blackberry growth, so the goats need to get to work.

Tim brought them out in a trailer, opened the back door just a bit, and they came out in ones and twos. They just kept coming, like clows out of a clown car.

The best part of the goat arrival is the arrival of Cody, the Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dog. More on him later ….

It took the goats no time at all to fine the forage and the water. They are happy at work, munching away. Since they were all born in December, they have plenty of room to grow. They also really like the rocks.

We are hoping the goats get through these 15 plus acres in the next few months and we can pare back to a smaller herd for the winter. It will be fun to find out. — KLM


Cody Arrowsmith, Lg.D.


Taricha tarosa