Trail Building

Johnson Trails is out on the property putting in some trails. Señor loves the new trails so far and they get better everyday. They are going to be amazing!

But what to do with all of the rocks?

The Ranch is in the midst of the Tuscan Formation — a series of volcanic mudflows, tuff breccia, tuffaceous sandstone and volcanic ash layers. Geogolists describe the top layer of the Tuscan Formation as consisting of “fragmental deposits characterized by large monolithologic masses of andesite, pumice, and fragments of black obsidian in a mudstone matrix.”

Large monolithologic masses. Not sure what that means, but I think it means lots of big rocks. Everywhere.

So, Jason and Erik are carving trails and pulling out rocks. And moving rocks. And stacking rocks. And making pretty rock mounds. The trails are turning out great. Señor could not be happier.


Tundra swan migration


John Deere Model R